We are currently facing one of the greatest pandemics of our life time. Within a short period the Coronavirus have placed most activities on hold. This include; Schools being shut down, Court proceedings on hold, Restrictions on people gatherings amongst others.
Beloved, in the midst of this outbreak, our adherence to Medical Instructions from renowned Health Experts will go a long way. Let us also find comfort in God’s Word as we face it with his wisdom.
Of course, this is not the first time the world has faced a pandemic. More alarming is the Malaria associated deaths caused by mosquitos with 94% cases and 93% deaths. The emergence of Ebola overwhelmed the healthcare infrastructure causing high mortality rates. The HIV epidemic that raged through the World in the 1980s, killing thousands of people at a time.
Currently, it’s the Covid-19. Yet, this is the first time in the course of our life that we have seen a worldwide pandemic with such extensive results. So what exactly does God say about the Coronavirus?
Psalms 91:10, reveals God’s promise for us in this crisis period
“Evil shall not come near you and diseases shall not come near your dwelling”
Knowing what God has said and being conscious of it will help keep our minds at rest this period.
Coronavirus is not as deadly as the fear that comes with it. At this point in time, what we as Sons of God should do is sharing God’s Word. Guarding our hearts diligently and fixing our eyes on Jesus. Keeping top notch hygiene but never living in fear.
If you have ever desired to rise in the spirituals, this is the time. This is our finest hour to witness and tell the world about Jesus.
Let us end with Isaiah 60:2. It says,
“Darkness as black as night will cover all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine over you.”